Rental Income Transfers will require you to make frequent overseas money transfers, typically on a monthly basis. Whilst living overseas, you may be earning income on a property in your home country. Alternatively, you may have an investment property overseas, making rental income and want to send this back home. Managing these regular foreign currency transfers does not have to be an overly complex, expensive and arduous task. At, we assist clients who need to make rental income transfers by finding the best commercial rates available in the market. Transferring money internationally through a reputable FCA regulated foreign currency specialist over a high street bank can save you between 1-5% of the value of the transfer.
"I was so delighted at how simple it was to set up a regular overseas payment plan. What is great is that I do not have to do any of the work and the money arrives on time. No more arranging new transfers each month at extortionate fees with the bank. With my standing order, I know the money will arrive on the same day, each month at an extremely competitive exchange rate."
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