Free Emigration Advice
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Emigrating is a big decision, and it’s also a difficult one. How to emigrate overseas successfully is even harder!
More people seem to be emigrating than ever and, with a survey on behalf of NatWest claiming that 67% of British expats said they felt happier overseas, it is no wonder why. However, instead of feeling happy and relaxed, planning your overseas emigration successfully can be a stressful time. There are many financial and non financial challenges to emigrating successfully. The editorial team at MyCurrencyTransfer.com have compiled this quick and easy top 10 list of things you should consider before emigrating.
1. Knowledge of the local culture
Knowing and gaining an understanding of the local culture is an important part of the overall emigration process. If you do some research about the place you are thinking of before you go then you are more likely to avoid the pitfalls of culture shock. It may sound obvious but you should know as much as you can about the country before you move there. You should visit the place you want to move, it’s not always possible but if you can make these important travel provisions then you definitely should.
2. Learning the local language
Learning the local language is quite important as being stuck in a country where you can’t understand a word can feel very isolating. You want to fit in and interact comfortably and confidently with the locals. So maybe try attending classes or learn by yourself in your free time. Check in to the library or search online to find out where language lessons can be taken.
3. Learning new country laws and regulations
Different country means different laws and you should clue yourself up on the basic laws and traditions to help stop you getting in to sticky situations with the law or offending the locals. Is the country very religious? What are the traditions of these religions? For example, J walking in certain Asian countries can be considered a criminal offence.
4. Researching the food.
Making sure you are comfortable with the food is extremely important. It may seem like a bit of a trivial one but if you’re going to live in your new home then it also makes sense to enjoy the food you are going to eat. If you have any allergies, find out what the translation is for the specific allergy as it will help your dining experiences out no end. Whilst food may not be a strong factor of why not to move, it’s still certainly worthwhile knowing!
5. Buying a guide book or two
Buying a guidebook or phrasebook is a simple way of finding more about new country you will live in. Go online and look up some reviews and opinions of the place- if you can get a first hand opinion from a friend or relative then that’s even better! Furthermore, you should take into account different people see things in a different light. Understanding cultural factors will be key to emigrating overseas successfully. Some countries have very direct styles of communication which you may not be accustomed to. Join an Expat forum to talk to other people in your situation who may have useful advice to share.
6. Settling in professionally.
What skills are you offering the country you’re moving to? If you have a current long-term job then would you be able to move your work abroad or would you have to find work over there?
You should search for jobs in the new country before you go. This way you can also see whether there are many job opportunities for work in your chosen trade. After all, there’s no point being an air-conditioning salesman in the Arctic. Speak to international recruitment companies who may be able to assist.
Also try and collect as many positive references as you can while you are still at home. See what skills are most valued in the new country and if there is much room for employment in the trade you want to work in. LinkedIN can be a valuable resource and networking tool
If you cannot find any jobs in your trade then there is always the possibility of teaching English. This can be a good starting point if your struggling for opportunities.
7. Getting the paperwork in order.
Get your paperwork in order before you go. Make a list of everything you need and make that your first priority. Important documents like visas, passports and health insurance are vital. Also make sure everything is settled before you go and inform all the people you need to such as the tax authorities. You’ll also want to have marriage, birth and adoption certificates, driving licenses, qualifications and employment references. If you’re quitting your job you will have to fill in your p45 and give your employer formal notice. Any medical, school and dentist files that need to be handed over. You’ll want to cancel any subscriptions or contracts you won’t be using. There’s no use paying for them if you can’t even use them!
8. Finance and understanding if you can afford to emigrate.
Be honest with yourselves- can you really afford it? If things aren’t financially stable enough then you should wait until they are before you go. If they’re not you could be stranded with no money.
Choose a realistic price and make that your budget. Get quotes on everything and try and come up with an action plan of your incomings and outgoings. It’s important to be realistic!
9. Use a money transfer comparison site
You really want to make sure you start you new life with as much money as possible. Currency Transfers will play an important factor in how money much you start off your new life with. Using an independent and unbiased foreign exchange comparison service like MyCurrencyTransfer.com when sending money overseas could save you between 3-5% on the total amount transferring. Foreign exchange specialists will typically be a much cheaper option than high street banks. MyCurrencyTransfer.com’s money transfer comparison service compares thousands of foreign exchange quotes to help get you the best deals.
10. Making sure
You should be absolutely sure you want to go and you really need to decide this before you get there! The easiest thing to do is write up a list of pros and cons. What are your reasons for moving? If you don’t actually want to move but you’re doing it for work or a loved one then you really need to think about whether you should go. If you’re still unsure then the best idea is probably renting a place for a while instead.
These 10 simple stages ensure that you can emigrate successfully!
This report has been written by Christina Brown – Editorial Manager at MyCurrencyTransfer.com