At MyCurrencyTransfer.com HQ, we see thousands of visitors each month who are prospective French property buyers (or sellers). To help you in the process, we have prepared a short glossary of the most important terms you need to be familiar with:
AV – a vendre (for sale)
BE – bon etat (in good condition)
TBE – tres bon etat (in very good condition)
FAI / HAI Frais/ Honoraires d’agence inclus (including fees)
FNAIM – Federation Nationale des Agents Immobilier (national association of estate agents)
HT – hors taxe (excluding tax)
SAFER – Societes d’Amenagement Foncier et d’Etablissemenet Rural (national agricultural land agency with pre-emptive rights to buy land)
TX/Fx – Type x / Fonction x – used to indicate how many rooms are within the property
T1 – (studio appartment)
F2 – (apartment with 2 main rooms)
TTC – Toutes taxes comprises (including sales taxes)
TVA – Taxe sur la valeur ajoutee (VAT)
We hope this helps.
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