Expat Star Awards 2014
Top 10 Websites for Expats in USA

Our ‘Top 10 Websites & Blogs For Expats in the United States of America ‘ award, recognizes, rewards and celebrates excellent site created for expats living in the USA. These sites cover everything you need to know from the Big Apple to California dreamin. From US taxes to American delicacies.
French Twist D.C.
A massive congratulations to the winner of our first place award! Laetitia grew up in Paris and then decided to make the skip across the pond to Washington to study for her Masters. She didn’t plan to stay long, but stay she did and her blog is a fantastic read for any expat moving to the US. We’ve learned a lot from French Twist DC during our visit. We learned the difference between a maze and a labyrinth (you’ll have to read the blog to find the answer) and where all the best places to eat and drink in DC are hiding. Laetitia has appointed herself the unofficial ambassador of French culture and when you read her blog, it’s easy to see why! Enjoy your award Laetitia, and well done!
Just Landed
Looking for the inside scoop on the latest jobs abroad, where’s good to eat or which companies offer specialist expat services? Look no further than our silver winner, justlanded.com. You’ll find a wealth of information at your fingertips here which will come in handy whether you have literally just landed or just getting aclimatised to your new surroundings. Featuring expat guides by country and lots of tips and advice within the community forum, this is a site you’ll want to star, favourite or bookmark immediately.
D for Delicious
Kamusta ka? Keefik? How y’all doin’? Didi has lived in a number of different countries including the Philippines, Dubai and the USA and so she really knows her stuff when it comes to the expat way of life. Kitchen tricks, foodie hacks and travel blogs are just some of the treats she has in store for her readers. We loved her recent guide on how to use the coin-operated laundry machines. It might seem like second nature to many people, but to some expats, this is a guide that is like gold dust when you are stuck in the laundromat at 2am in the morning with no instructions! Well done on being our bronze winner!

Congrats to our first runner up, ustralian.com. Launched in January 2012, this expat site for Aussies living in America has really taken off and is full of cultural information, currency affairs, gossip and tips to help you get acquainted with US life faster and with less drama. There is also a section dedicated to sports and an Aussie marketplace for those missing their Vegemite and Violet Crumble from back home.
Anglophenia – BBC America
The BBC has long been seen as the cream of the crop when it comes to delivering the news and other current affairs. BBC America is no exception and you’ll find everything here from the latest gossip on your favourite programs to details of the shows that are coming up in the BBC America schedule. Doctor Who, Top Gear and Star Trek are just some of the screen gems that are on offer right now.
Live Work Travel USA
Liveworktravelusa.com gives you the lowdown on what it is like to live, work and yes, you guessed it, travel in the USA. Whether you are looking at ways to obtain your Green Card or you want more information about the cost of living in New York, Dan will tell you what you need to know. You’ll also find some great sections designed especially for the new expat, the exploring expat and the USA traveller.
A Mother Life
Molly is an Aussie living in Harlem, New York. Her blog, amotherlife.com, covers some fantastic topics including how her partner, known as ‘The King’ was made Doctor of Letters and getting used to celebrating Father’s Day in June rather than in September. Molly shares her stories in a funny, upbeat and witty way and this blog really had us laughing out loud.
The Expat Hub USA
Exactly as its name suggests, theexpathub.com covers everything from obtaining a Visa down under to downloading the best apps for expats. The website is exceptionally easy to use and is perfect for dipping into when you need a little expert advice about making the move to another country or sorting out some of the finer details once you get there. There is also a great forum for those looking to start conversations about expat life or something completely off topic.
Expat Arrivals USA
According to expatarrivals.com, expat life can finish with a fairy tale ending just as easily as it can end up as a repressed memory. With sites like expatarrivals.com on your side though, we think the fairy tale is well within your grasp. As you weave your way along the complex, confusing, but ultimately rewarding expat path, having expert advice and expat tips and tricks at your fingertips can make the journey so much easier. With its in-depth guides, informative articles and thriving forum, Expat Arrivals offers a wealth of information for the newbie expat.
Expat Focus USA
Expat Focus aims to make expat life just that little bit easier. By sharing great information about popular expat destinations, experiences and opinions from seasoned expats and a bustling support forum, expatfocus.com is one of the most popular support resources for expats today. We especially liked the Experiences section which is packed with articles written by expats from a myriad of different countries.
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So, what do you think of our top 10? All your comments, thoughts and tips are welcome!
Aviva Tabachnik