Expat Star Awards 2014
Top 10 Websites for Expats in Spain

Our ‘Top 10 Websites & Blogs For Expat Spanish’ award, recognizes, rewards and celebrates expats living in Spain. All ages and stages of life, these people either picked up their lives and moved to Spain or decided to dedicate their work towards expats in Spain. We’ve found some amazingly helpful sites!
The Spain Scoop
We have a gold award winner in our Spain category and that award goes to thespainscoop.com for their fun and informative blog all about expat life in Spain. Whether you are migrating to Madrid or moving to Menorca, there is an in-depth expat guide waiting for you here. And when it comes to expert expat advice, you are in good hands. The Spain Scoop team accompanied by Negu the Blog Dog have years of experience in travel writing, expat life and all things Spain and will have you settling nicely into Spanish life before you know it. There are also some great Q&A sessions in the Interview section that make a very enlightening read. Congratulations to spainscoop.com. Keep up the great work.
Spain For Pleasure
Congratulations for our silver award winner, Josh. Josh originates from England and has been living in Granada in Spain since 2010. Since then he hasn’t looked back and has grabbed Spanish life firmly by the horns. Obsessed with learning languages and a lover of travel, Josh writes with a real fondness for Spain and all it has to offer. Spain For Pleasure has lots available for expats and Spanish natives alike, from travel guides to regular features such as the How To section and the Spanish Inquisition interviews in which he asks other expats to write about their experiences. Great work Josh.
Expat in Spain
Want to find out more about daily life in Spain, handling money in Spain or simply more about Spanish people and how they live? We loved spainexpatblog.com for the rundown of where to live in Barcelona, the amusing open letters to Spain and the dedication that has gone into creating a site that should be on every expat’s reading list. We also enjoyed the section dedicated to Spanish celebrations, of which there are many. In fact, spainexpatblog.com is a real celebration of Spanish life and an essential guide for any expat moving to Spain.

My Spain
Sometimes all you want in life is some answers or a kindred spirit to talk to. Whether you have a burning question about moving to Spain, you need some advice when you get there or you simply want to have a chat with another expat, heading on over to myspain.es should tick all of those boxes. This site is packed with forums that cover all topics, from working in Spain to motoring in Spain.
Lottie Nevin – The Rioja Diaries
One of the first things that hits you when you visit Lottie’s blog is the layout. It’s clean, easy to navigate and the images grab your attention instantly. Lottie has also travelled, quite a bit in fact, and you’ll find loads of reading material here about Spain, but also from her travels further afield in Bali and Jakarta. There is also a great post all about cherries and how to make your very own cherry brandy. We can’t wait to try that out!
Barcelona Blonde
Jessica is one of those lucky people with dual citizenship which is great as she loves to travel. Born in England, raised in California and now living in Barcelona, which coincidentally is her favourite city in the world, she writes with a real passion that has you hooked the moment you start reading her blogs. At barcelonablonde.com you’ll find all the information you need for moving to Spain, living in Barcelona and travelling around other parts of Spain. Check out her Barcelona videos too!
Eye on Spain
If you are looking for Spain’s biggest online community, you may just have found it at eyeonspain.com. Here you’ll find a wealth of information on expat life, but also lots of lively conversations between people who are actually living life in the sun and who have been for many years. Whether you are a British expat looking for a Spanish property or you’ve got a gripe to make about noisy holidaymakers, you can get the conversation started here.
Molly started writing her blog because she wanted to share her own experiences of living in Spain, especially experiences that you wouldn’t find in a guidebook or a travel magazine. We think she has done this extremely well and if you are looking for honest restaurant reviews, brilliant photo essays and in-depth information about Granada and Barcelona, this is the blog for you.
Almerimar Life
Almerimar Life is packed full of snippets of information, the latest Spanish news, dates for your diary and a great community blog for all those pressing questions. Whether you are moving to Almerimar or you have been living there for years, you’ll find all the latest local information listed here. We especially loved the Weekly Snippets on the front page – perfect if you are short on time and want to catch up with the latest Almerimar happenings.
Spain Made Simple
If you are looking for the simple life in Spain, spainmadesimple.com will make your quest even easier. If you are looking at moving to the Costa Del Sol or the Costa Blanca, you’ll find all the regional information you need to making an informed choice when it comes to finding the right neighbourhood or property. Check out the Move To Spain section for advice on everything from buying a bar to online dating in Spain.
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So, what do you think of our top 10? All your comments, thoughts and tips are welcome!
Aviva Tabachnik