Expat Star Awards 2014
Top 10 Websites for Expat Women

Our ‘Top 10 Websites & Blogs For Expat Women’ award, recognizes, rewards and celebrates websites and blogs that focus on women expats living around the world. These women make-up the moms, the business leaders and the adventure seekers who are living in foreign places and talking about it!
Are you an expat? Are you a woman? Then expatwoman.com is for you! Actually, scrub that part as you don’t have to be an expat or a woman to enjoy our gold award winning site. Expat Woman is a free and friendly website offering advice for any families looking to move to Dubai. They also have sites for other countries and cities including Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain and Abu Dhabi. This is a great site to work your way through whether you have just landed or you are looking to make a big move imminently. Migrating is hard, but with a family in tow it can be a major challenge. With Expat Woman lighting the way, you’ll have access to the advice and information you need to help everything go as smoothly as possible. They also arrange meets in real life too so if you are feeling a little alone and want to make new expat friends, check out their Summer Coffee Mornings.
Behind Vegemite Vix is Kiwi blogger and mom, Vicki Jeffels. Vicki’s writing draws from her 4.5 years she spent living in North Hampshire in the UK, the years following after returning to Auckland, New Zealand, and of course her 3 children. Labeling herself a daughter of the jet age Vicki shares stories and tips about traveling and living as an expat. Ranging from personal preference to shared top tips, Vicki shares a some excellent information. We love to see women like Vicki sharing about their lives with us!
4 kids, 20 suitcases and a beagle
If there is one woman who knows a thing or two about expat life, it’s Kirsty Rice. In the past 13 years alone, she has been able to call 7 countries her home and spends much of her time trying to remember where she packed things and her new home phone number. Kirsty writes brilliantly about the challenges of juggling a career, children and of course getting acquainted with so many different destinations. She’s also done very well not to leave any of her children behind in the moving process. Well done Kirsty on not losing your children and for winning our prestigious bronze award. We salute you!

Mommy In Dubai
When Mommy In Dubai was 21 years old, she decided it was time to travel and see the world, and we’re so glad she did. How else would we know how to make our very own personalised crown (everybody needs a personalised crown!), or which stroller is the best bet for the airport? This informative blog is fun to read and you might learn a thing or two along the way too. Pretty and smartly written, we’ll be catching up often with Mommy in Dubai to see what she gets up to next.
Canadian Expat Mom
Life as an expat mom can be crazy, but this seems to be something that Canadian Expat Mom relishes. Hailing from Canada (the clue is in the blog title) and now living in the South of France, our brilliant blogger mom has a lot to write about and she does it well. From the day her boobs went viral to the handy tips she has to share about travelling with kids, Canadian Expat Mom has added a fabulous blog to what must already be a hectic life.
Bringing Up Brits
If you’ve brought your family along for the expat ride to Britain, bringingupbrits.com is essential reading. Whether you are looking for inspiring stories from other expats who have gone the distance or you need a little reassurance that it can be done, Bringing Up Brits will help you to keep your chin up and to maintain a stiff upper lip – all good things to have when moving onto British soil.
Expat (Adoptee) Mommy
Laura Dennis was raised in Maryland and was a professional dancer. In 2010 Laura decided to move to with her husband and two children. She’s also an adoptee and has written a book and many memoirs about this chapter of her life and her life adjusting to life in Serbia.
Geek Mädel
News junkie, skeptic, atheist, Improv performer and nerd extraordinaire – it’s a wonder that Madel has any time left to keep her blog updated with as many tantalising tidbits as she does. A thirty-something Aussie geek girl now living in Germany, this is her take on integrating into German life.
Liv Hambrett
Liv is another Aussie adapting to life in the Fatherland (that’s Germany by the way!). We really love her fresh and vibrant blog full of wonderful stories, personal news and views and lots of expat tips to keep you going. In addition to her book, you can also check out Liv’s book entitled “What I Know About Germans” and if her blog is anything to go by, she’s learned quite a lot!
When it comes to travelling the globe, Traveling Mama has certainly clocked up some air miles. From Spain to the US and Morocco to Denmark, this versatile mum and her family have taken their self-proclaimed “Flying House” on many adventures. This is a creative and inspiring blog full of captivating stories of expat life and more, and some stunning photography.
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So, what do you think of our top 10? All your comments, thoughts and tips are welcome!
Aviva Tabachnik